Laboratory Methods - PaoloBellavite14

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Laboratory Methods


Laboratory Methods

Paolo Bellavite col suo gruppo (sia in Patologia Generale, sia in Microscopia Clinica) si è sempre occupato di metodi di studio delle cellule del sangue, con lo scopo di mettere a punto sistemi di valutazione clinica e farmacologica semplici e miniaturizzati.  Alcuni di questi sono stati brevettati e sono ancora molto usati, come si vede dalle numerose citazioni in letteratura.

Paolo Bellavite with his group (both in General Pathology and in Clinical Microscopy) has always dealt with methods of studying blood cells, with the aim to develop systems for evaluating clinical defects and pharmacological effects in simple and miniaturized way. Some of these have been patented and are still widely used, as shown by the numerous references in the literature.

Produzione di superossido nel sangue intero (In Italiano)
>>Parte 1: principi generali e metodo
>>Parte 2: applicazioni
>>Esempi per immunologia Pediatrica (1)
>>Esempi per immunologia Pediatrica (2)

Superoxide production in whole blood and serum opsonic capacity
>>Read paper in Eur. J. Clin.Invest

>>Application in leukaemic patients

Simultaneous assay of superoxide and adhesion in microtiter plates
>>Read paper in J Leukocyte biology
>>Correlations and dissociations between the two functions
>>Application in ultra-low dose research
>>Application in sports medicine (1)
>>Application in sports medicine (2)
>>Application in Rheumatology (spondylarthropatihies)
>>Application in Rheumatology (Behcet)

A simple assay of hydrogen peroxide production
>> A photometric assay

Platelet adhesion in microtiter plates
>> A simple and widely used colormetric method
>> Application in hypertension
>> Application in pharmacology (NSAIDS)
>> Application in pharmacology (adverse effects of diclofenac)
>> Application in pharmacology (nitroderivative of ASA)
>> Application in nutrition (fish oil, soy lecitin)
>> Application in sports medicine

Antioxidant power of plasma
>> A simple colorimetric assay based on crocine bleaching

Basophil activation
>>Multi-parameter flow cytometry method
>>Application in nutraceutics (Quercetin)
>>Application in Homeopathy (Histamine)
(>>Versione in Italiano)

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